California Transparency in Supply Chains Disclosure Responsibility. 

PoweredUP Gaming respect the human rights of our employees, suppliers and the communities in which we operate, and we are committed to upholding the principles contained in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010.


Our expectations

PoweredUP Gaming expect our suppliers to comply with all local regulations and their national laws governing minimum wages, overtime compensation, hiring and occupational safety.

PoweredUP Gaming suppliers must comply with our Supplier Code of Conduct. The Code outlines our expectations on quality, health and safety, environment, labor conditions and human rights, including our zero (0) tolerance policy regarding prisoners, slave labor and human trafficking. PoweredUP Gaming has an ongoing audit process that includes independent third-party assessment.


Training and Capacity Building

PoweredUP Gaming employees participate in trainings to help them identify and properly respond to possible infractions of our Code of Conduct and our Supplier Code of Code and help in mitigating the risk of supplier noncompliance. PoweredUP Gaming is committed to working together with our suppliers to source products and services responsibly, with uncompromising Ethics and Integrity that is guided by our Values.